Here Tam is having a rest by the stream with Desi looking on. Des, after her early days has become accustomed to the bush. Although still a little apprehensive as Fos spends all his time scrummaging in the bush but he has become a good teacher to his sister.
Tam sitting with her pack telling them the ways of the world.
Dezi has found something of interest. Tam telling Fos to cross. He says you first.
Here they are about to cross the stream I think Fos wants to push Tam in.
Me posing by one of the waterfalls that we have along the stream.
Tam and the pack heading down to another part of the stream.
Desi off in front she loves to paddle along. Tam looks a little concerned, with Fos egging her on.
A look back down the stream from where we have just come. One can just make out the waterfall.
Des having a good wallow in the water. I wasn't quick enough with camera as she had been jumping and splashing around in the water just before this photo, as she is not too familiar in deeper water. I think the leaves and branches had been touching her legs and this was concerning her. The bush on the left is the invasive lantana bush which we are busy clearing and which spoils the scene. Unfortunately the dam is about 70 years old and being built on granite rocks with all its fissures, the water has undermined the wall so when the flow of water slows the dam runs dry. I am sure that when the dam was first built it must have looked lovely. So this is another project that I have to work on. I will most probably have to find another site further down the stream.