After a bit of a rest we went to have a bite to eat in the main dining hall with the sand river in the back ground.

After our meal we went on a game tour. In the back ground is a bull elephant that was in musk and one could smell it from a distance. On our way back in the evening after seeing the lions we came upon him in the dark which gave us all a start as he was only about 30 feet from us so we all froze as he lumbered by.

Mike the ranger and his tracker Freddy left us in the vehicle as they went to look for lion which they knew was in the vicinity much to our apprehension.

A Kudu stood nearby I hope guarding us as I am sure he was aware of the lion in the vicinity.

Here is one of the lions they had found.

Another group came to observe the pack. It made me chuckle as I remember when in England we went through the Longleat game park to see the animals there when we drove through the lion enclosure I opened my window to take a picture of a lion about 30 yards away when a warden bellowed in her megaphone for me to close my window.

As the sun set we had a lovely view of the sky.

We stopped at a spot that was reasonably safe and the ranger gave us a sundowner.

The night sky closed in.

We returned to the pride that we had previously seen it was completely dark by then they used infra red lights to illuminate the pride.
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