These are tomato plants that reseeded themselves from a discarded tomato and were the first victims of the monkeys as you can see they have recovered nicely.
Here are my planted tomatoes grown from seed as you can see they are starting to flower. There are carrots and lettuce further down the line. And Egg fruit in the pot. I think I will make another bed and replant them as they are too close together.
Here is a view of my spray unit in operation. The chap in the back ground in the arch is another visitor on standby for when the fruit-trees start to fruit. He had a friend that has gone to my neighbour and is guarding her veggie patch. I was going to do a blog on the other two but thought that one would think I had nothing better to do than make scarecrows and one would be right.
He insisted on being put on the blog. Note the warning sign .
A side view of my latest bed which has onion in the one end and green peppers in the middle ( they are taking time to germinate hope I haven't got dud seed) and the beans at the other end. I think this bed is too in the shade as the plants are leaning towards the sunlight, although it is very bright.
Another view of the same bed with the original scarecrow still doing his job. One can see the beans better.
A couple more overviews.
Marta who works on the property has planted some pumpkins at the back of her room. They are looking a little bit wilted as it is an exceptionally hot day 35C. I put some water on and they all perked up.