We now have a new member of the family. We always feel that an animal chooses us, not the other way round.
We came back from town one day and she was on an exploring trip of our property. Tam opened the door of the car and in she jumped, waggling her tail. We took her up to the house where she had great fun investigating her surrounds. We had seen her on our neighbours’ property and knew she must belong to them so sadly I had to take her back. The neighbour was pleased to see her as she did not know where she had gone. The lady was a bit concerned as being elderly she did not have the energy to keep her in check. She had got her from the SPCA after her dog had been killed by a snake, not long after losing ours and her liveliness and abundant energy was exhausting her. When I told her that we also had been thinking of getting another dog , she agreed that we could take this one much to our delight. Her name was Zippy as she had a zip mark where she had been spayed. Tam thought that Desi would be a more appropriate name, it was short for destiny. Although I don’t know why people give animals a name if I had my way all dogs should be called Dog, as I have found if you call any dog “Dog” they respond far more rapidly than Samantha, Lassie, Butch or any other peculiar name humans call them. But that is just my opinion.
Well here is Desi. We’ve come to the conclusion that she is a Labrador cross Great Dane. She’s extremely tall and gangly and often trips up on her own feet.

Here she is sitting with her new family.

It was amazing the first day that she was with us she settled in. We had been a little anxious that we would be running around trying to quell her boundless energy but it was the complete opposite. She even took to the chickens and was so obedient. It was as if she had always been here.
Here she is meeting the chickens. She is a little bit confused as I don’t think she has ever seen a dog with feathers that makes funny noises.

With our new addition Tam thought that we should erect the headstone of our Bella who had died from a snake bite. Here she is making the foundation.

Another action photo of her mixing the cement

And the final result.

Fossie saying his final farewell to his kindred spirit, they had shared so much together in the short time they had known each other.

Going for an early morning walk along one of the bush tracks that I have opened up on the property. Desi is finding all the strange sounds and sights fascinating. She has become good friends with Foss and the family.