Here he is patiently guarding. The brush wood behind him is Lantana and a common Acacia tree (it restricts the other indigenous trees) which we have cleared through the winter months.
When Briony was throwing stuff on the compost heap the other day she accidental bumped into our guest and apologised, much to her embarrassment.
Here’s a nice close up. That’s Tam’s room behind him which she still has to paint .The other day she was working in her room when she heard a noise out the back, Going out she saw the monkeys in the bush wondering what this new person was doing, so Tam went up and had a chat with him to give it a bit more authenticity, it worked as they went away.
Here he is from the outside in. I have some fruit trees on the other side of the garden which when in fruit are raided and we are left with the few. There are Litchies, Mangos and Mulberry.
I think I will put another man on guard there.